Sunday, April 13, 2008

I've Been Tagged

I've been tagged by Cris! The rules are that you give 7 weird or random facts about yourself, then tag 7 more blogging friends, leaving a message on their site inviting them to play along.
I am tagging Marci and Susan! Okay, 7 weird or random facts about me:
Seven wierd things about me....
1. I sleep with a cpap machine strapped to my face at night.
2. I wrap the remote controls (for tv and stereo) in saran plastic wrap.
3. I have 5 pairs of the same kind of shorts (same color, same size, same material).
4. I dont like to get the bath rugs wet when i get out of the shower.
5. I dont like American Cheese, it tastes like plastic.
6. I bought a laptop in February for a training class i went to in Kentucky, but I have not used the laptop since I got back.
7. I have seven pairs of the same kind of pants (same color, same size, same material).
NOW who is crazy??? HUH???


Sue said...

tagged you back, since you know how to do it already:) and what pray tell is so crazy about having great clothes more than once??????????

Jen said... I've been tagged 3 times! I answered to the tags on my blog

Jen said...

You wrap the remote??? so wierd!