Here are some pictures of Matt getting his green casts off.
Ewww...these are the pins they put in his hand to get the bones to heal. After they took x-rays to make sure all the bones are healing correctly, they put his left hand back in a cast and then the right hand (that had the pins) just gets a removable brace. Now he has 1 black brace and 1 black cast.
I hope you are not squeamish because this little video I have posted here shows Matt's pins getting pulled out of his hand.
Cool watching the pin pulled out...glad he didn't cry! Tell Matt I am glad he is getting better one step at a time! Are there more casts in the future and how long does this one stay on and the brace?
Cool watching the pin pulled out...glad he didn't cry! Tell Matt I am glad he is getting better one step at a time! Are there more casts in the future and how long does this one stay on and the brace?
Kinda grusome...glad he said it didn't hurt, but I wasn't sure if that was Matt saying that or the Dr.
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